Video Editing

DaVinci Resolve Keyboard Shortcuts (Mac)

DaVinci Resolves keyboard shortcuts allow editors to keep their hands on the keyboard while working, avoiding unnecessary clicks and distractions. Memorizing the most frequently used shortcuts transforms editing from a fragmented process of menu diving to a fluid, optimized workflow.

Aspect Ratio Cheat Sheet

Explore our Aspect Ratio Cheat Sheet for optimal video resolutions, from 12K to 480p. This guide covers standard formats, social media-specific ratios, and everything in between, serving as a practical tool for all video creators.

Final Cut Pro Shortcuts

Use Final Cut Pro keyboard shortcuts on macOS for faster editing. Press "B" for accurate cuts with the Blade tool. Hit "N" to toggle snapping for clip alignment. "Command + B" instantly cuts at the playhead. Practice these shortcuts to save time for creative work.